Your First Look: Marz Aerial Youth Program & SUMMER CAMPS!

Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness

Youth Program Updates & Summer Circus Camps

I typically only send out email updates related to our Youth Program to those that have expressed interest, but we have so many exciting things in the works that I want to make sure everyone hears about! As always, please feel free to forward this information to your friends (especially if you want to sign kids up together for Summer Camp!) and please let me know if you have any questions by responding or emailing me directly at

Youth Program Update

Our Marz Aerial Youth Program as you know it today started at the end of 2022, with our first dedicated Youth Showcase in March of 2024. It started as one Friday night class and has grown to 3 Levels hosted throughout the week. Through our Youth Program (monthly Youth Series classes and annual Summer Circus Camp), we have served over 115 local children (and a few who visit us when visiting family in town!). Our team has worked so hard to develop this incredible curriculum: Special thanks to Nikki, Cassie, Jess, Rachel, and all of our other employees & volunteers!

As our Youth Program continues to grow, we are upgrading the way that we charge and register for classes, offering a new $80 Monthly Unlimited Membership package for kids under 13. This membership will be charged on the 1st of each month and not only guarantees a spot in your child's Aerial & Circus classes but also grants you our 10% member discount for certain workshops and events, like the Summer Circus Camps and other Holiday workshops. We will offer discounted Family Membership packages to add a 20% discount for families that have more than one member. For example, one adult and one child would be $100 + $64 ($164/month) instead of $125 + $80 ($205/month). The monthly cost for two siblings would be $128 instead of $160.

If you already have a Monthly Unlimited Membership (for adult classes) - please let me know and I will get you set up with a combined contract for your family!

Youth Class Schedule

With a Monthly Unlimited Youth Membership, your child (or children) can attend any - or all - of the classes at or below their level. Starting in April, we are adding 3:30-4:30pm timeslots for the school year! Depending on interest, we may change some of these class offerings in the 2025-2026 school year to be apparatus-specific classes for kids - for example, students who are only interested in Silks don't have to train on Lyra and/or Sling.

We will not have Youth Classes in March because of Spring Break and instructor availability. New Youth Memberships will begin (and not be charged until) April 1st!

April, May

Level 1:
Mon. 4:30pm
Tues. 3:30pm
Weds. 3:30pm

Level 2:
Mon. 3:30pm
Tues. 4:30pm
Thurs. 4:30pm

Level 3:
Weds. 4:30pm

June, July, August

Level 1:
Mon. 4:30pm
Tues. 4:30pm

Level 2:
Thurs. 4:30pm

Level 3:
Weds. 4:30pm

+ Summer Camps!
+ Apparatus-Specific Workshops!
+ August Showcase!

2025-2026 School Year

*Subject, but not likely, to change*

Level 1:
Mon. 4:30pm
Tues. 3:30pm
Weds. 3:30pm

Level 2:
Mon. 3:30pm
Tues. 4:30pm
Thurs. 4:30pm

Level 3:
Weds. 4:30pm
Thurs. 3:30pm

Summer Programming

We are so excited to have a FULL Summer of Aerial & Circus programming for kids (and some for the adults!). Summer Circus Camps are going live soon! Members get 10% discount on any Summer Circus Camp and Workshops and, as a subscriber (or a friend of a subscriber), you get priority registration - just reply to this email with the name of your child(ren) and the dates that you'd like to register them for, and we'll save them a spot!

Full-Day Summer Circus Camp

Full-Day Summer Circus Camp runs from 8:00am - 4:00pm, Monday through Friday, with drop-off as early as 7:30am and pick-up no later than 4:30pm. Children must bring a packed lunch. Cost is $300/week for Non-Members and $270/week for Members.

Ages 6-11:

  • Monday, June 2nd - Friday, June 6th
  • Level 2+: Monday, June 16th - Friday, June 20th
  • Monday, June 23rd - Friday, June 27th
  • Level 2+: Monday, July 21st - Friday, July 25th
  • Showcase Prep.: Monday, July 28th - Friday, August 1st
  • Level 2+: Monday, August 4th - Friday, August 8th
  • Monday, August 18th - Friday, August 22nd

Ages 12-17:

  • Monday, June 9th - Friday, June 13th
  • Level 2+: Monday, June 16th - Friday, June 20th
  • Monday, July 7th - Friday, July 11th
  • Level 2+: Monday, July 21st - Friday, July 25th
  • Showcase Prep.: Monday, July 28th - Friday, August 1st
  • Level 2+: Monday, August 4th - Friday, August 8th
  • Monday, August 11th - Friday, August 15th

Ages 18+ (we know adults want camp too!):

  • Monday, July 14th - Friday, July 18th

Half-Day Workshops

Two-Week, Single Apparatus Intensives

In June, our Two-Week Single Apparatus Intensives will meet on the days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday) specified for either the morning (9:00am - 12:30m) or the afternoon (1:30pm - 4:00pm). Cost is $160 for MWF ($144 for Members) and $110 for T/Th ($99 for Members)

  • 06/02 - 06/13: M/W/F Morning Lyra
  • 06/02 - 06/13: T/Th Morning Silks
  • 06/02 - 06/13: M/W/F Afternoon Sling
  • 06/02 - 06/13: T/Th Afternoon Sling
  • 06/16 - 06/27: M/W/F Morning Silks
  • 06/16 - 06/27: T/Th Morning Lyra
  • 06/16 - 06/27: M/W/F Afternoon Sling
  • 06/16 - 06/27: T/Th Afternoon Sling

One-Week, Daily Focus Sessions

In July, our One-Week Daily Focus Sessions will meet Monday through Friday in the morning (9:00am - 12:30m) or the afternoon (1:30pm - 4:00pm). Cost is $140/week ($126/week for Members).

  • 07/07 - 07/11: Morning Lyra
  • 07/07 - 07/11: Afternoon Sling
  • 07/14 - 07/18: Morning Sling
  • 07/14 - 07/18: Afternoon Lyra
  • 07/21 - 07/25: Morning Lyra
  • 07/21 - 07/25: Afternoon Silks
  • 07/28 - 08/01: Morning Showcase Focus
  • 07/28 - 08/01: Afternoon Showcase Focus

Save the Date: Our Anniversary Showcases!

We'll have our Anniversary Showcases on Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd!

Our 2024 Fall Youth Showcase!
Photo by Sarah Carmody Photography

Questions? Suggestions? Please reply to this message and let us know!

258 Kale Road, New Bern, North Carolina 28562
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Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness

We specialize in education in the universe of aerial and circus arts, including Aerial Silks, Aerial Lyra, Pole Fitness, and more, through group classes, private lessons, and events!

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